submit your kiss letter


I Just Want You To Know That You Guys Literally Changed My Life And I Want To Say Thanks :D And Please Come To Lebanon XD
Posted on 08/17/2011

My Gene " The Monster "Simmons painting

Hello Kiss & The Kiss Army : I just wanted to share my newest Kiss possession, a painting of Gene Simmons entitled " The Monster ". from Kiss Alive 2. It was painted by my friend Keith Pinel who is a brilliant artist here in Victoria, B.C. I now have this hanging in my Rock & Roll dungeon proudly, hope you all like it, i think it is awesome ! Cheers, Jay Maher
Posted on 08/17/2011

KISS Coffeehouse 5th Anniversary

On 8/13/2011, we took a mini vacation to Myrtle Beach,SC to attend the 5th Anniversary of the KISS Coffeehouse. I brought my 1978 KISS Mego Dolls to have signed by Eric and Tommy. I would like to thank them very much for taking there time to meet me,my husband,and our daughter during the photo. This was her 1st KISS event and she was very excited and it was a long day out for her. Thank you again for signing a piece of my collection. Now I only need Paul Stanley to sign his Mego doll. Love, Kathy,Dean & Kayla Papasso
Posted on 08/16/2011

Thanks for the honor

Eternally thanks to Gene, Paul, and all the people behind the official website and the official Facebook page, for publishing the magazine cover that I conceptualize and design, "Estudiantes - Heroic Dynasty". The union of KISS and the Estudiantes de La Plata Club, made possible one of the most recognized and acclaimed covers of the magazine. My best for you, as always. Martin Comoglio Die hard KISS fan, designer and illustrator.
Posted on 08/16/2011

3 1/2 Decades Of Appreciation

34 years ago today, two major events happened. The first, impacting the entire music world, was the death of Elvis Presley, the undisputed King Of Rock & Roll. The second, albeit less wide ranging in scope, forever changed the direction of my musical tastes and outlooks � and that was attending my first live KISS concert. I can never forget that August 16th 1977 night at the Cow Palace in San Francisco� The opening act was Cheap Trick (then a relatively unknown band that would shortly rocket to unparalleled heights with "Live At Budokan) and (I seem to recall) another fledgling group - The Babys (with a pre-solo/Bad English John Waite, and a pre-Journey/Bad English Jonathan Cain), although modern documentation doesn�t seem to support that. But those weren't the groups I was there for. I had been introduced to KISS �Alive!� In late 1975 by a friend of mine, and spent the next 2 years playing THAT album so much that the grooves (yes�vinyl!) had gone flat, and my parents were on the verge of insanity. Even though, along the way, I had picked up the first 3 albums, along with the new �Destroyer�, �Rock & Roll Over�, and �Love Gun� � �ALIVE!� still led my playlist Top 10 by a long shot. When I found out KISS was coming to San Francisco for a concert during their Love Gun Tour, several friends and I made it our "mission in life" to go. We planned out our trip (which included a viewing of the recently released "Star Wars" the morning of the concert date), got our tickets and waited for the big day. Flash forward to the big moment. We'd had our road trip, our movie, and the opening acts (which were very good, in spite of their "newness") had packed it in. We anxiously waited, and once "You wanted the best�" boomed out over the PA, the night became one frenzied rock & roll party. We stood and rocked out for an hour and a half or so as the band powered through I Stole Your Love, Take Me, Ladies Room, Firehouse, Love Gun, Hooligan (which rocked surprisingly well live), Christine Sixteen, Makin' Love, Shock Me (they just don't make solos like in the 70's anymore), I Want You, Calling Dr. Love, Shout It Out Loud, God Of Thunder (oh...those bass and drum solos!), and closing (as usual) with Rock and Roll All Night (which Paul Stanley lovingly dedicated to Elvis, the King). With the crowd still in the throes of the concert high and screaming for more, the band came back on stage to blast out their encores, a couple of the best versions of Detroit Rock City and Black Diamond that I'd ever heard! Seeing KISS live just proved that the album I had, although incredible, really couldn�t convey what a live KISS show was all about. That night was the perfect concert experience for me and my friends! And to top it off � I managed to snag and take home the broken stopbar tailpiece off of Paul's smashed guitar! (See the pic!) That special night, the music, the personas, the stage theatrics, and the sheer unbridled energy of a rock band that truly makes you feel good to be alive have stuck with me all these years. It inspired me to take up the guitar as my instrument of choice (including buying and then tragically losing a Paul Stanley Signature PS-10 Iceman along the way!), and made me feel much more comfortable with my singing voice, because KISS showed me it�s all about the FEELING. I still buy the music (anxiously awaiting the new album guys!), and go to see the band any opportunity I get � a dozen or so times in the last 34 years, including shows in SF, Memphis TN, Seattle and Everett WA, and several times in Yokohama and Tokyo (Budokan) Japan while stationed overseas during my 26 year career in the U.S. Navy, and EVERY time I see them, that same feeling of "Wow, it's so great to be alive and rockin'!" peaks for me. I've taken friends to their first KISS concerts, and watched them become fans as well. I've even managed to experience the grand dream of all fans � to meet KISS in person � first at a meet and greet in Seattle in 2009, where Paul graciously listened to my story and autographed my/his broken guitar piece 32 years after the fact (!), and again in Everett, WA, just this June, where the guys were as personable as could be (special thanks to Tommy and Eric for sharing a little extra conversation time) before taking the stage and rocking the house as exuberantly as ever! And more recently, KISS has impressed me with their caring attitude towards the armed forces (in these troubling times), the younger fans (Thanks Paul for informing us about protecting our precious hearing!), and numerous worthwhile causes (City Of Hope, SPCA, Wounded Warriors, numerous hospitals and schools, and on and on). Their support for community and country sets an example many could learn from, and that support makes one feel alive as well. I've never been rabidly fanatical about the band. KISS has never been the "do all, end all" for me, they're not the only band in the world, nor is theirs the only music (or type of music for that matter). But, to me, KISS has always been the biggest and best at what they do - "Rocking the roof off at concerts, and making you feel good to be alive". Thank you all (Paul, Gene, Tommy, Eric, Ace, Peter, Bruce, Eric & Mark (Bless you!), and Vinnie) for so many years of energizing music, kick-ass performances, and dedication to the cause of Rock & Roll! Keith Kaufman
Posted on 08/16/2011

Baby rocking to KISS I drove my 21 month old daughter, who is a huge KISS fan, 1400 miles to see them in concert in Verona, New York, July 28,2011. If you watch this video of her at the concert, you will see why I had to take her.If any member of the band views this video, I am sure they will remember her rocking out on my shoulders all night.I would like to thank Eric for giving her his drum stick.I would also like to thank the whole band for putting on such a GREAT SHOW!!! Hoping to take her to another KISS concert soon.I hope that you will enjoy watching the youngest KISS rock out.
Posted on 08/16/2011

Come back to Toronto

Kiss come back to toronto and play a show! I have never seen you guys play before and your my favorite band but i couldn't go last year cause i didn't have the money! PLEAAAAAASE come back to Toronto! Jonathan Southward
Posted on 08/16/2011

Coffeehouse 5th yr. anniversary party

As soon as I heard that Tommy & Eric were going to be at the KISS Coffeehouse at Myrtle Beach, I had to get tix for my 9 yr. old daughter Megan.....she is infatuated with KISS & just loves I thought it was only fitting to let her meet some of her idols. Despite the heat, the lines & the rain....we had a blast. Tommy & Eric were the nicest guys.....they took the time to talk to everyone & ask questions....they signed everything you had & asked about some of the items. My daughter took two pictures we shot at the Bushkill Falls concert on 07/13/2011 & had them sign. She told Tommy that she got one of his pick from the concert & was going to frame it with the photo. Thanks KISS Coffeehouse, Tommy, & Eric for some really fantastic memories.
Posted on 08/16/2011
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