submit your kiss letter


Posted on 10/16/2019
I am the mother a very sweet 6 year old little girl named Sara. She is a big fan of unicorns, mermaids, all things sparkly and Gene Simmons. When asked what she wanted to be for Halloween, her first response was Gene Simmons. Not liking any of the costumes online, we decided to make a costume. She was pretty happy with the outcome. We went on a family Halloween camping trip where she took 2nd place in the costume contest. She originally seen Kiss on Scooby Doo and the fascination began. Unfortunately she became a fan to late and we missed the tour dates in our area. Thankfully, She is happy watching you tube videos along with the Scooby Doo episode. She wanted to share her picture in the hopes that Gene Simmons would see it. - Jana Whysong
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