Halloween KISS
What KISS fan who dressed up for Halloween as Peter for 6 years with her best friend (Nicole) as Gene could be more proud than when her 11 year old says: 1. Mom, when (not if) you go to WalMart, can you get me a white t-shirt? (why?) So I can write KISS on it to wear to the concert. (I was SO proud) AND THEN 2. Can I paint my face? (OMG YES! Who do you want to be? as I tell him their nicknames) Space Ace (that's COOL because your Dad was Ace for Halloween before you came along when we had time to win money and trips) He looks them over but then changes his mind to the Demon.... haaaaaa. Thank God his makeup is the 2nd easiest to "draw", and a sweet remembrance of my late friend Nicole. Can't WAIT to see you guys tomorrow night ~ Sydney in Memphis, TN