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I look forward to seeing you in Backstage

Posted on 12/29/2018

For the first time ever, I'll see you in Backstage on March 19 in Montreal. In the summer of 2018, I had a car accident. I had 2 pelvic fractures. I had just returned from my mother's commission when I crossed the street. I was in my rights, my light was green and my man was on !! It was my turn to cross, but a car hit me. He was driving 50 km an hour and he had stopped in his red light, but he never did. My left leg was bumped, after that it was my pelvis on the left side and then my head hit the car. I was then thrown in the air and then landed on the ground ahead. So when I came out of the hospital and my convalescence, and I'm sure you come back to Montreal, well, it was high time that I made the big jump: go see you in backstage. Today, I am cured of all that, but I thought that my life would have stopped at 40 years old. No !! You give me that strength that is in me. Thank you !! - Marie-Rose Desjardins

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