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My tribute to the band that saved my life

Posted on 06/30/2014

My band, The Gloria Story, recently released this Music video - "Live your Life in shame" that tries to capture the feeling of being a Kiss fan, in the early Days of NY glam-scene. Perhaps at one of the first shows at Coventry '73. It is our tribute to our heroes in Kiss! Some people ask me (Filip, vocals): "Isn't it just a lame attempt at milking the Kiss-community for views putting out a tribute like this?" Trust me - as a Kid I was very ill. My health wasn't all that good. Without hope and without spirit my future looked pretty dull. But suddenly, in my early teens, a friend turned me on to "Kiss - Destroyer", the 1976 Bob Ezrin masterpiece. It opened up a door, showed me an alternative world - where ordinary men could be superheroes. Paul Stanley was the character that appealed most to me; the Star of the centerstage - ouzing with confidence. Years later I learned that Paul himself had multiple issues growing up - like a deformed ear and being deaf. He was bullied and had social issues. He created his larger than life stage-persona to be everything he couldn't be in his private life! No wonder I could relate to that! When I got older, I also regained my health. It was a long road, and a constant struggle. But I always had Kiss as an inspiration - always encouraging me to be ME, and to believe in myself. As an adult - I am well. I feel great - fit and strong. And, thanks to inspirational people like Paul, I've become quite the performer myself. I couldn't have done it without the band who saved my life: KISS! I will be forever grateful to them. And the least I could do for them is to write a song, congratulating them on their wonderful journey and thanking them for the music, passion and encouraging power during 40 years of rock! I love KISS! So - no we're not trying to get views by connecting ourselfes with Kiss. It is a pure and honest tribute. And we are very, VERY grateful for the wonderful support our video has received by Kiss-fans all over the world! Thank you!

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