submit your kiss letter


Posted on 06/17/2014
Hi KISS, My name is Nicole and I am 19 years old, almost 20. I have been a huge fan since I was 8, thanks to my dad and my Uncle Joey. I can't even express to you all how much KISS means to me. KISS is everything to me. I know so much about the band, it truly amazes people how much I know. If I could find a career related to KISS, that would be the ultimate dream for me. KISS has been there for me when no one else was. If I am ever feeling down and no one else can cheer me up, all I have to do is play KISS music and I feel better. If I don't feel better, then you know something is wrong with me. But that rarely ever happens. I have had the opportunity to see KISS in concert a few times. They were amazing and I enjoyed myself. One of the shows I got to take one of my best friends with me and he enjoyed himself too. He said it was the best show he has ever seen. Same goes for me. It was the best show I have ever seen. As I have stated before, the ultimate dream would be to find a career related to KISS. There is nothing I am more passionate about than KISS. KISS means the world to me and continues to be. Words really can't describe how much you all mean to me. Thanks for everything, Nicole Amos
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