submit your kiss letter

KISS Tattoo

Posted on 09/11/2013
This isn't really a tattoo is a Thank You. Here it is, the end of 9-11-13...Twelve years after the unthinkable events. I just re-read the Esquire article about the Falling Man eyes are now stinging and dry. Benghazi has been ignored... there are general denials or is it helplessness about what's going on in our country and culture.... I'm bummed out to be sans relationship at this time in my life but I realize along with the losses in relationships due to one divorce, one death, and a plethora of bad decisions...that love will eventually prevail and conquer in my life....No real need to be sad per se....even through all of these things happening...I am joyful more often than not. In SIX WEEKS I'm going to be meeting an Army of new friends....a Navy of new 48 years old,... taking my FIRST vacation EVER on The KISS Kruise . Single I am...alone i am NOT. Thank you KISS ...Gene...Paul...Tommy and Eric .....Doc...the crew ...for what you have given me for not just 40 years...but for the 4 that have changed my life since going to my first KISS show. (That signature in the attached pic represents so much more than a letter can ever contain.)
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