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St. John's August 3rd

Posted on 08/05/2013
Gentlemen Two words....THANK YOU! I am a long time fan and I have waited for decades to see you perform. My girlfriend is a lot younger than me and wasn't a real fan...until Saturday night! We were walking by the security exit as you were leaving Mile One and Tommy Thayer came over to say hi to us and say thanks. I couldn't believe it...he thanked us for coming. And then Eric Singer dropped off some drum sticks to some other fans that were standing next to us. They, along with my girlfriend and I, were so impressed. That's the kind of class that you don't see with today's "STARS". I am 47 years old and I have seen many shows. You guys rocked "the Rock" (go ask Shannon what that means!!!) like no other bands ever have. My only hope is that you come back here to do it again before you guys pack it in. Thanks for coming. And thank you Tommy are a class act!!! Ken Collins
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