submit your kiss letter

I sang at my high school

Posted on 05/12/2013
Dear KISS, I am a 17th year math teacher in Parker, Colorado. My students know that I am a fan of KISS so last 3 of them decided that we should do KISS in full makeup at the assembly for the seniors. In front of about 2000 students our drummer, bass player, and lead guitar (who are all students) did their stuff. I was able to sing a portion of Love it Loud and then lead into Rock and Roll all Night. The link below is a video of the great time. It was so much fun doing something that was out of my comfort zone (singing) and exposing so many kids to KISS. Here is the link to the youtube site video taken by one of the juniors. I hope you enjoy. Chris Stirrup Math and medical teacher (Paul Stanley all made up)
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