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KISS fan

Posted on 01/22/2013
I started listening to KISS around '82, when I was 9 with my friend who lived above a candy shop (KISS and candy, a nine year old's dream). We'd jam to the records all day and night (at his strange house/apartment) never admitting I was actually terrified of Gene, especially after seeing Phantom of the Park. However I have three great memories/stories of KISS that all involve my friend Kathy Sutula (the truest Jersey heavy metal girl even today). You must understand there is no bigger fan of KISS than my friend Kathy. First, I was over at her house and she had just purchased a DVD of live footage/concerts of KISS and was watching it with her. Keep in mind she has been to hundreds of KISS shows. And out of the blue, there she was in the crowd in one of the shots. Although I understand that many people get filmed, they usually have some idea of it, and search for it. Not Kathy, just hanging out watching (another) KISS DVD, and she goes "hey that's me." Second. Kathy gave my friend and I two tickets to the Psycho Circus show with the Smashing Pumpkins at Dodger stadium because she had gotten BETTER tickets. Just gave them to me. One the way to the show (on Halloween I might add) we see Fabio in a Mercedes next to us. Of course we laugh (as did he). Who else saw Fabio on the way to a KISS show at Dodger stadium on Halloween? Total LA moment. Last but not least, although I'm always flabbergasted and awed by Kathy's dedication to KISS at it's members, I was none-the-less shocked by her fandom when she announced that she was traveling to Toronto (from LA) to see Paul star in the Phantom of the Opera! Who else would fly across the country to see the lead singer of their favorite band perform in a musical? Not many. Andy
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