submit your kiss letter

The rockin' college

Posted on 01/21/2013
Hi everybody, I'm studying. That sounds not very rocking! And when I tell you the subject, you'll totally agree with me. I'm studying Literature studies and philosophy. Actually I'm right in the middle and a few weeks ago I felt I was a little ant which was lying in a huge hammock at her back. All that stuff I had to do and where went the joy? Now the Rock 'n Roll comes in. To get on my feet again I need Rock 'n Roll and especially KISS! I put my headphones on and the music starts, it was "God gave Rock 'n Roll to you". Suddenly I remembered all the gifts I've got: Power, a voice that asks me "What do you love?", "What do you want?", "Whatever you want, come on and get it!" and the KISS-music creates a growing power and I new what to do! Getting on my feet again and keep on rockin' my world! Thank you KISS! And at June the 12th I celebrate it with you in Berlin! Yours Regina
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