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Meeting KISS

Posted on 01/17/2013
To Paul, Gene, Tommy, and Eric: Although it may sound cliche, meeting KISS in 2009 on the KISS Alive 35 Tour in Atlanta, GA is without a doubt my all-time favorite KISS memory. Words can't describe the nervousness, anxiety, and excitement which were all rolled up into one the morning leading up to that night. I was fortunate to share the experience with my father, who's been a KISS fan since 1975, and my beautiful mother. There was something incredibly mystifying about seeing the four guys; I've seen them without their makeup hundreds of times, in fact I had already met Tommy and Eric at the coffeehouse before this night, but I was still awestruck just standing in the same room as them. It was like I had never seen these guys before, it was so surreal. One of the most significant moments of the night came when we first entered the room. There was a chilly silence in the air, I guess everyone was so nervous. We were maybe fiftieth in line so we had a little wait. As soon as we stepped in there, my father and I (somehow simultaneously) roared "Yeah!" while pointing at the guys. And perhaps the coolest thing I've ever seen was Paul pointing right back in the way only Paul can, it was unreal. That suddenly broke the silence and I'm proud to have shared that moment with my father. The best was yet to come when it came time to have the guys sign all of our stuff. I don't think I was able to get any words out when Paul got to me. I was able to praise Eric, Tommy, and Gene, but I couldn't find anything to say to Mr. Stanley. My dad told him, "Paul, I've been waiting my whole life for this." And leave it to Paul to perfectly narrate the moment...he goes: "Well ya know what? Today's the day...and tonight's the night." Pretty simple but hearing it from the wild whaler was indescribable. Congrats on 40 years guys! I'm so proud to be a part of the army! Here's to 40 more!!! David
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