submit your kiss letter


Posted on 01/17/2013
Kiss has been a part of my life for over 35 years and I feel as though we have grown up together. I discoverd them in 1977 at the age of six years old and have never stopped loving them, through all of their incarnations, make-up, non make-up, make-up again, they have remained one of the few constants in my life. They have been with me for the good, bad and ugly times of my life and always make appreciate music, life and the importance of being YOURSELF. I have been fortunate enough to meet several members of the band on numerous occasions, I have a picture of Gene with his arm around my mom and have sat with Eric Singer for two hours at the Rainbow in Los Angeles drinking and talking. I helped to build the stage for the first show of the Reunion Tour in Tiger's Stadium and was one of only about 50 people who watched the dress rehersal the night before the show. Talk about an honor!! I have adorned my body with several tattoo's to pay homage to the "the Band that helped me become who I am" and have devoted an entire room in my home to my KISS colection. I will be a Loyal Member of the KISS ARMY until they put me in the box. I can't say "THANK YOU" loud enough to KISS for being who you are and for creating this living, breathing thing that we all love so much. HAPPY 40th Anniversary!!!! Michael Mascali
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