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True Fan

Posted on 01/13/2013
Hello! I have been wanting to let you all know of how a true fan my 10 year old is. When she was 8 yrs old, she was into all the new music, but as soon as I began to watch Family Jewels, she asked if Gene was part of her daddy's favorite band. I told her yes, then my husband showed her pictures of the band & allowed her to listen to y'alls music & she loved KISS since then!! She dropped her favorite singers & bands of today music and went into a KISS love!!! In March 30, 2012, we brought her to the free concert in New Orleans. Two guys dressed up as Catman & Space Man walked passed up she freaked out!! Good thing was that Catman asked us to take a pic of her with them. She was extremely excited and couldn't believe her eyes!! When she examined the pictured back at home, she knew it really wasn't the real Catman & Spaceman so my father-in-law gave her a special to her first real concert in Pelham, Alabama in July 31st!! She is now 10 yrs old and has a great passion for KISS that she even asked us to buy her an elcetric guitar & is taking lessons. Her instructor was amazed to learn of her love for KISS and even taught her to play some of "Love Gun" & "Beth" since those are two of her most favorite songs!!! Heeven said that for a begginer, she learned how to play her electric guitar quick. Shawn, my daughter, would love for me to tell you "Hello".
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