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Getting pointed at by my hero

Posted on 11/28/2012
My name is Jacob Harris, I am 13. I have been a huge kiss fan for about 3 years.I Have seen 2 concerts both were kiss concerts. I saw them on July 15 2011, in springfield il. I also saw them with Motley Crue on August 27 2012, in st.louis. I know these 2 dates by heart, i saw my hero on both of them. We were 4 rows away from the stage on Gene's side in st.louis. When Detroit Rock city started playing, i saw my hero come down from a platform. I was yelling Gene the whole time while also singing the lyrics to every song. On one song Gene looked over at me, and then pointed at me. Then i was watching Paul sing love gun in the middle of the crowd. I heard my mom say "Gene Simmons is right there". I turned to my left and saw my hero pointing at some people in the first row. Then he looked up and looked me dead in the eyes and pointed at me. Then while they were playing the closing song Rock and roll all nite it happened one last time. Conffetti was shoting everywhere and Gene was right in front of us going up on a platform and paul broke his guitar. When Gene was coming down my hero looked me in the eyes once more, and pointed shaking his head up and down. I was pointing at him to. Then he got off his platform looked at me once more and walked away. Paul said good night the lights went out, and my hero Gene Simmons was gone. I will see Kiss in a concert agin when they come back to Illinois, i will buy a front row ticket and meet my hero Gene Simmons.
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