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Monster cd

Posted on 11/29/2012
I just purchased the Monster cd over last weekend. I saw the band here in Philly with the Crue in September. This album, to me, is so different than any other KISS album. It does not try to imitate the past. I was in the Spectrum in 1979 for a Ted Nugent show when they were announcing upcoming shows and a KISS show was announced to boos from the hard rock audience. They had turned on KISS for going disco. I think it took until Creatures of the Night to win back the hard rockers. This Monster cd reminds me of Creatures -just kick ass hard rock songs. I had already heard the first song but was pleasantly surprised by Wall of Sound and my favorite track "Freak". To me, Paul Stanley still has the most powerful hard rock voice out there. Great cd all the way through !
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