submit your kiss letter

My 7 ytra old son :)

Posted on 10/15/2012
Hello. This is the opartunity i have waited for. My7 year old son is a huge fan of kiss, and i just bacame aware that you are playing on viking arena, norway this summer. This is the perfect christmas present for ny son. He has been asking for this for a long time. at the babtism of his little brother he showed up in full kiss outfit. he was almost 5. For his 6 birthay he arranged a kiss party. 18 kids in kiss customs, playing guitars, drums and watching kiss Movies on big screen. A perfect party! And all of Them sang i Was made for loving you as his birthay song. Last year he cried when we wore unable to go to Holmenkollen, so this christmas he will reach the roof when i give him his present. I cant wait. So i just wanted to thank you for coming to norway once again. Love maylinn, mum ;)
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