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Our part of KISStory

Posted on 08/26/2012
What a weekend!! My wife and I had tickets for the Auburn WA, and Ridgefield WA shows for the 18th and 19th of August, We had planned a KISS koncert pre-party at our house for the afternoon of the Auburn show. Unbeknownst to me, my wife Denise had been working her magic by sending messages out to try and get a picture of my KISS Harley with the band. At 11:18 am Saturday morning, she received a text and now All Hells Breaking Loose !! She tells tells me that we are getting my bike back stage and getting our picture with KISS with the bike! After confirming where we are to be, and at what time, now I had to try and get a hold of the people coming over for the party. Luckily I was able to contact all involved and cancel the party... It was cerntainly one hell of a day and night! We were treated like rock stars. Not only did we get pictures with the bike, we were also invited to see the acoustic show and photo experience. Gene, Paul, Tommy, and Eric spent time with us. They checked out the bike, asked questions about how and when it was built. They seemed genuinely impressed ! We also talked about last years KISS Kruise, and what an epic event KISS Kruise II will be !! I was able to get my KISS ARMY vest signed, shake hands with Gene and the boys, my wife got a few extra hugs from Paul, and got some great pictures! We will never forget the generosity and warm reception that we experienced! It was an experience of a lifetime ! Sunday morning we get up and think "did that really happen yesterday??" Thank you.
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