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Hell or Hallelujah

Posted on 07/07/2012
OWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUYS, I fell in love with you when you first released "SONIC BOOM" in 2009 when I was 11 years old. I'm not much of a head banger, and I normally don't bang my head and clap my hands until I'm at a show performed by someone like yourselves, or until the main album comes out, but your first single released on Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012 from your upcoming album, "Monster", "Hell or Hallelujah", I swear Paul said that this album was gonna be "SONIC BOOM on STEROIDS", and I believe I just got a dose of those things myself because I have never rocked that hard in my LIFE, when I first heard that one. BEST SINGLE OF YOURS I'VE EVER HEARD, BEATS MODERN DAY DELILAH BY A LONG SHOT!!!! If this one is anything to go by for the rest of the album coming out, I'll be the first to buy it and the last to give it AWAY!!!! This is gonna be a masterpiece and I am more psyched than ever to be able to buy it in October. I'll send it for you to sign through the mail as soon as it's out!!!! AWESOME JOB, can't wait till I get to hear it LIVE Sunday, August 26th, 2012 at Tulsa, OK's BOK CENTER and meet you. I'm bringing my own questions, one page for the entire band and the other four for the individual members when you come speak to the fans after the photo sessions. You see that in my arm, you'll know it's me and you'll recognize me from the photos of myself instead of you guys I sent to you individually as well. WATCH FOR ME, PLEASE????!!!! THANKS!!!! Love, Rachel
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