submit your kiss letter

And that's the best part of dad :)

Posted on 06/17/2012
Hi! My name's Valeria. I sent a letter 2 years ago about how much I love Tommy Thayer, and luckily, it was published here! This time I want to share the best part of having a KISS fan in my family: My dad. When I was about 3 years old, my dad would listen to 'Creatures of the Night' whenever my mom, my brother (who was scared of you guys at that time, poor kid), and me would hang out with him. The songs from that album (a cassette, at that time) would be blasting through the speakers, and I was always having a good time showing the cover art to my brother, who would cry scared. Time went by, and my brother was following my dad's steps as a KISS fan, collecting everything he could, magazines, albums, even the action figures that once scared him! Everything thanks to whom? Daddy. I was even falling in love with each one of the members of the band (yep, and I was less than 8 years old) My dad would support us everytime we talked about KISS, but being Mexican fans, we had to wait to see them live. Our time came in 2004, when KISS announced 2 concerts at our hometown. My dad didn't even hesitate to buy tickets for the 2 shows. Best thing he has ever done. We went together dressed up as the 4 members of the band. People couldn't get tired of taking pictures and things along those lines. (You don't always see a complete family dressed up as KISS, do you?). 6 years later, we went to the 3rd concert in our city, continuing with the tradition of going dressed up as the band. If there's something I will always thank my dad for, is for teaching me how music can be so important in our lives. There's nothing better than listening to music and singing out loud, the whole family together.KISS has created a strong familiar bond between us that will be hard to be broken. Well, not hard...impossible! Happy Father's Day, dad! Thank you for making KISS a big part of mine and my brother's lives!
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