submit your kiss letter

You rock

Posted on 04/23/2012
I am in State College, Pa. My wife and i said one time that if KISS and Motley Crue ever toured together that would be a concert we would see.She loved KISS and Crue. I have been a fan since I was ten. I almost 46 now. I just wish my wife was around to see this.She was a dialysis patient and I took care of her daily needs tirelessly. She developed complications. Its been a year and a half now. I hope to be able to see you guys when you come around soon. You guys totally rock. On the days i would get my wife up for her to go to her treatments we would be watching VH1 as we would be eating and dressing her. She got into groups that was very popular in the 80s and that are still now. She loved KISS tremendously and watched Family Jewels and anything KISS related.We were married almost ten years. Thank you for all the great music you guys gave us.You rock!!!
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