submit your kiss letter


Posted on 04/17/2012
Dear Paul,Gene, Eric and Tommy, I am sending this letter to you all because I could just not have made it thru the last month without Kiss!!! Thank You all for giving me so many days to look forward to and really be able to smile!!! I lost my job due to downsizing on March 12th after 12 years of being there, so you can see how I am feeling, like a total loser! But I tell you what I bought my ticket to the Monster Tour on Sept. 18th in Scranton, Pa.!!! Broke or not I would not miss out on seeing such a Great Concert, life is to short to not have such great memories!!! I will be there!!! With all the pictures and videos of the Monster Mini Golf opening on the 15th of March, The Tour being announced and than being on Jimmy Kimmel Live on March 20th (yep that is my Birthday) You guys truley made that day just so very exciting, not that I don't have the best family and really great friends but when I listen and watch Kiss I just feel so so happy and all my problems just disappear!! My birthday was just full of excitement with all the news that day!!! Than on the 30th with the live webcast in New Orleans, wish I could have been there!!! Couldn't wait to watch the Country Music Awards on April 1st to see you all!!!! I loved the Grand entrance you all made!!! Than to see Kiss 2 nights in row perform on Dancing With The Stars on April 9th and 10th.....I could not wait for those 2 nights!!!! You guys truley rocked!!! So as you can see, I have not missed a single chance of seeing you all!!!! I can only tell you all how truley Thankful I am that Kiss has gotten me through such a really hard time and with all that I truley felt the need to share my story and really Thank Kiss for being there for my inner soul!!! I hope to be able to make the cruise sometime in the future!!!! I am so excited for the album Monster to come out, I bet it is going to kick ass!!!!! I just love Kiss and you guys are the Greatest!!! A big Thank You for sharing such wonderful talent with the world!!! See you all in September!!!! I can't wait!!!! Thanks Again, Michele
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