submit your kiss letter


Posted on 01/08/2012
Hey guys , I just want to share a small story that has stuck with me for many many years. Kiss had come to my hometown on the Animalize tour and i was so glad i got to go. Now during this time i was about 12 years old and had half of my left leg in a cast because i had broken it. Now the night of the show we were all standing outside when it began to rain. Now being 12 years old with a cast and on crutches in the rain was no fun so security allowed me to come in before everyone else. After a few minutes someone came up to me and said he had caught wind that a kid on crutches came to the show. It was none other than the late great Eric Carr. Now by that time i had been a kiss fan for about 4 years and to meet one of the band members was like WOW!!!!!! So he talked to me about what my favorite song was and i told him Black Diamond. So after about 20 minutes he signed my cast and went back to the dressing room area i assume. But i am now almost 40 and that has stuck with me for so long. I want everyone to not only remeber him as a great drummer , but also as a great and gentle person. I have since then lost that piece of the cast and it saddens me. But as a loyal Kiss Army Member , i jjust wanted to share that as part of a kind of hard time that i was able to get through. Now the only thing i lack is to meet you guys now. I would really like to have something kiss related autographed to me personally to be the highlight of my collection. Thank you so much for the many dedicated years you have given us and may you give us many more.
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