submit your kiss letter

My Daddy Love You!

Posted on 12/15/2011
Hello KISS, My name is Amber Kilinski from El Paso, Tx I'm writing to you because I wanted to let you all know how big of an impact on my life as well as my father's life you've had. He passed away almost one year ago on April16,2011 and it's left a huge scar on my heart. But I tried lifting my spirits as well as my family's spirits by KISS-ing out his funeral services. Featuring a few of your songs in his memorial video and having the guests wear a KISS shirt. It turned out to be a beautiful service even down to the last detail where the funeral home went the extra mile in putting pictures of you guys in the guest book. My dad really loved you guys and he made sure that I knew you when I was little so I could keep you alive =] Now when I hear a KISS song on the radio, it makes me feel like he's with me. I sure do love you guys and hope that some day I'll be able to see you in person. In honor of my dad I'm having the solo from Detroit Rock City tattooed on my body as a memorial for him. Why? That was his favorite KISS song and alot of his guitar time would be dedicated to that part of the song. He almost perfected it before he died. I'm sure he's got it down now in heaven. I'd just like to thank you guys for being in our lives and thank you for everything you do. Hope to see you soon! Love Amber
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