submit your kiss letter

KISS Kruise

Posted on 11/01/2011
Gentlemen, My wife Marsha and I recently had the opportunity to have our picture taken with you aboard the KISS Kruise (that's us by Gene). After the photo, I thanked each one of you individually and shook hands with each of you. Realizing you and the fans behind me were all in a hurry, I did not take the time to tell you what I was grateful for. As much as I was giving thanks for the many years of entertainment you all have given me, the true thanks was for all of your work and support you have given to the Wounded Warriors Project and other organizations that help our troops and their families. I, like my father, my grandfather and my great-grandfather before me, am a veteran. So, thank you for all that you do for those who have given, and continue to give, so much. Wes Thurmann
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