submit your kiss letter

Shannon Tweed

Posted on 10/05/2011
Shannon: Just wanted to say congrats to you and Gene on your wedding. I too am waiting on a proposal for 20 years now. We have 2 beautiful children together and have been married 19 years this October 31st. David never proposed to me (and no I wasnt knocked up either) we just thought it would be a good business move to consolidate both checking accounts, health and car insurance etc., so we picked the last Sat. in October (Halloween)1992. I am still waiting on a proper proposal, I want the fairy tale.. My dad passed in 1990 at the age of 50 so I got screwed out of the fairy tale every little girl dreams of too. But im hopeful my Best Friend will propose to me just as Gene did to you.. Congrats and God Bless!!! Mary
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