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Thank You For Sharing Your Special Day...With Us!!!

Posted on 10/04/2011
Hello...Thanks for sharing your special day with us...I know you didn't have chose to...Shannon was BEAUTIFUL...and so were you Gene...I saw You, Shannon, Sophie, Nick, Paul...Snippy...but Where was the rest of the Family??? (Meaning Eric & Tommy...) Everyone Loves Eric...his sweet nature...and how he laughs all the time....and Tommy, the one who stepped into the most uncomfortable position....of Lead Guitarist...He knew the expectations would be great...and yet stepped up and took the role by the throat.(As did Eric) You Know, I had the pleasure of meeting them both...and had my picture taken with them...While Eric held me close....and smiled...Tommy thanked me afterward...Krazee...huh. He spoke to the crowd with a humble spirit....was patient, as was Eric....totally humble...and when Eric...was stumpted for and explanation....Tommy watched him...stepped up and a manner to which you would have been proud. Eric and Tommy...are soooo loved...I just wanted You to know...Tell Them...For me.....Love, Molly ;)
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