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Strutter - Travis Humbert

Posted on 09/11/2011
Hello! I hope all is well! I was just dropping in to share a version of Strutter that I recently recorded (You may remember me as the guy who did the Modern Day Delilah percussion ensemble and the Outkast/KISS mash-up --- here's yet another video!) . It deviates quite a bit from the original arrangement (the instruments used in the song are both acoustic and electric guitars, mandolin and piano), but I think that any great song should be able to translate across different genres, and Strutter definitely fits that bill! (although I'm not too sure what exact genre this recording would fall into!) I played/tracked all of the instruments myself, then mixed it on a SSL 9000 console , and all of it was done at Sound Stage Studios in Nashville, TN (I have to give a big thanks to everyone there for showing me the ropes and allowing me to use their equipment --- Muchos danke schon!!!). Thanks for taking the time to listen/watch and I hope you enjoy it (especially my "Rock Star/Guitar Hero" moves!)! KISS is still the greatest! "I Pledge Allegiance to the State of Rock & Roll!" indeed! --- Travis
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