submit your kiss letter

life and KISS

Posted on 08/22/2011
Hello Guys, I am sure you get letters all the time saying how you have changed peoples lives and been instrumental in different ways of peoples lives, but paul and gene, its really true. in 1974 I first heard the album kiss alive and was hooked. since that time I have seen my parents divorce and helping raise my two little brothers and my mom working three jobs to support us. it was difficult but you always got me through the tough times when i was wanting someone to talk to or needing someone to help me and was not avalable. It was the music of alive that got me through it all. and for that hard hitting beat that kept me focused and kept me grounded. I have not missed a concert here in kansas city since 1977 and would love to meet you some day. I was a great athlete in my day and looked up to many role models and thought one day I would become a pro boxer, but never in all my years did I ever stray away from the music that changed my world in 1974 and its your attitude that is the same as mine and that is.... never let anyone tell you you cant do something . We had this stage we built out of plywood and made a stage with stairs and huge speakers on each side and the record player in the back of the stage so our audience could not see it !. We had a strobe light hanging from a tree that was on us and we put on our own show on saturday nights and the whole neighborhood kids would all come over to watch, it was really something to witness back then. I know heroes exist in this world and you will always be mine paul and gene. Thanks paul and Gene for giving me hope when I was young and thanks for giving me the opportunity to see you when you tour, although I have never met you and hope to one of these days its good to know that when i am having a difficult day or whatever is the case i can put on some kiss music and just forget all thats bad in this world and keep smiling to that wonderful beat of deuce!.
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