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Grand-Falls, Newfoundland Concert

Posted on 07/14/2011
16 years ago when I was 7 years old my mom passed away. As I got older and started looking through many of her old records and pictures, I began to learn that KISS had actually been one of her favourite bands � along with AC/DC. Thanks to the many KISS records that she had managed to collect over the years, I was introduced to this band at a young age myself. In the last 6 years I have also become highly addictive to Gene Simmons Family Jewels and even buy myself the newest season each Christmas. This April past when I learned that KISS would be playing here in Newfoundland, I knew that I had to go! Not only because I enjoyed the music, but because I knew that this would be the concert of a lifetime � and one that my mom would have never missed. On Friday night I worked until 12 midnight and went to bed around 1:30am. On Saturday morning my friends and I left St. John�s and drove the 6 hour drive to Grand Falls-Windsor � where we made our way to the very front of the stage. It was here that we stayed all day while the other opening bands performed. Finally at 9:30pm the cold rain started to pour and the crowds began to intensify. (25,000+) Although I really wanted to just give up and leave, I knew I had to stay. When the moment finally came and the black kiss curtain dropped, it was a feeling like nothing else. In that moment I felt so connected to my mom and knew that this had been the concert that she would have dreamed of seeing. What an amazing show! The band was so connected to the audience and made us feel that we were the only people in the world that mattered. Towards the end of the show when Eric came to the front of the stage to sing Beth, he threw out his drum sticks to the audience and I even managed to catch one! However, the rain made everything so slippery that I managed to drop it on the ground, behind the rail fence, where the security guards were standing. (I was in the front, leaning on the fence). When I asked the security man to pick it up for me, he instead picked it up and threw it to the crowd. Worst.Moment.EVER! Although this was a big disappointment to me, I still had an amazing time and managed to get so MANY wonderful pictures and videos! I�d love to share them all with you if you ever wanted to see them. I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to KISS for coming here to Newfoundland and that I hoped you enjoyed your visit here. I know that we all really enjoyed having you. Thanks so much for a wonderful concert and for allowing me to feel a special connection to my mom that I have never been able to capture in such a long time. It�s so funny how the power of music really and truly can bring us all together. I�d love to send pictures from the concert, if I knew an email of where to send them! Thanks, Evan Crane Harbour Grace, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. Twitter @EvanCrane
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