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Remembering Eric Carr

Posted on 07/12/2011
I can�t believe that Eric Carr would have been 61 today! To me KISS will always be, as Paul once said �forever young�. I remember the day I met him like it was 5 minutes ago. It was November 1990, He came to a club that I use to play in, and from where I was standing, I could see the front entrance. I said to my friend Kenny, (while pointing), �Dude, Eric Carr is here� all I saw was massive HAIR!!!! He was like yeah right, Eric Carr here? I said DUDE, its ERIC! While still pointing and following him around the bar to where we were. When Kenny realized it was Eric, he (Kenny) asked for my keys so he could get his camera, thank god he only lived 5 minutes away. In between that time Eric came over to where I was and we looked at each other and he said, hey what�s up? I said how�s it going Eric? He asked if we had met once before, and I was like, homina, homina, homina, No, I said. By this time Kenny came back and I asked Eric if it would be okay to take a picture with him? He said sure, no problem. As you can tell by the picture I was very happy. Saying that Eric was �COOL� does not even begin to describe him, Eric was very down to earth, easy to talk with and not stuck up. I have met Eric�s sister, Loretta, and his parents, and they were all very easy going and great to talk to. My son Eric (who is just as big a KISS fan as I am) was named in honor of him. That was the impact Eric Carr left on me. �Happy Birthday Eric� you are missed!!!!
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