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Assault of the Senses; KISS'ed

Posted on 06/23/2011
Wowza....I was at the 75/76 show as a teen and again in 96 to see what I loved as a teen. I went again, this week. They still got it. I still love 'em. I have been on a rock��..and roll.....I�m sliding off my high, and high heels, need a dose of musical methadone for my withdrawals....and KISS addiction. I am an Army addict. Ladies, IN Waiting, and Gentlemen, of The Kiss Army, announcing the dynamic duo of Stanley and Simmons��.Stanley, Simmons and Associates at your service, big, big, highly billable hours and backstage dollars for a bigger bang for your buck on their many month and year, world tour. Can this be the same mild-mannered Mr. Simmons as seen on Family Jewels? Can his persona be so perfectly fractured by the stage lighting? His Axe decapitates our rationale and we are suspended in awe�some disbelief. (Don�t forget they are master musicians and songwriters, too. Very important points of musicology!) Paul the PT Barnum of Rock and Theater and Opera! Gene the master mind of creativity and creature. He is pure performance and pomp, scintillation and sensuality, diabolical and demonic, lecherous, loud and lascivious��I loved it! He is the preacher from the pulpit, offers salvation to us sinners in the audience below. Last Judgment, Armageddon, Hot, Hot, Hotter than Hell, bathe and baptize me in that Cold Gin. Say, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah����. He is a shogun, a showman, superman, madman, monster and marvel comic creation. He is a beast and a brute but he beckons and beguiles me. Through the medium of music, he is a marauder of my memories. He is a God and the stage is his Mt. Olympus. The whole 'she-bang' transported us beyond entertainment to the edge of experience....each and every sense were stimulated and overwhelmed: *The pounding and pulsating of the amps against my chest wall. *Lasers and lights assaulting my vision. *Instruments penetrating and piercing my eardrums. *The acrid smell of fireworks, both revolting and enthralling. *The chemical taste of confetti as it landed on my lipstick, quickly licked by my tongue. *The heat of the flames, hot on my face, incinerating my soul....burned and laid bare. Every bit of my being was overcome.......most of all�� memories and my imagination........ It was a full frontal sensory/sensual, onslaught of emotion and experience; all elements to frenzy and euphoria. A Rock Opera, a Circus, Concert/Kabuki, Glam/Goth. Entertainment, exaggerated and indulged, to the greatest degree. The stage was a netherworld of yesterday and tomorrow.....lived at every beat, lick, lyric, and riff! Like Paul said, we took a vacation from the real world for the night.......but I never want to come back. I am Dorothy gone over the rainbow and Alice down the rabbit hole. I never want to come back from true-three-D, plasma, big screen, high def, Technicolor to my KISS�less reality. I am a teen, (suddenly and nearly), turned 50, "I still wanna rock and roll, all night........and party every day." Hey! As life so inconveniently intervenes, this Tinkerbelle has taken her landing from a devilish and delicious flight�..Arrgh! I don�t want to go home, I don�t want to go to work. I want to enlist in the Kiss Army. I pledge my allegiance to their kind. I am transformed. They are the human transformers. Ah, bang that bass to the beat and slap me from my stupor. Resuscitate me to reality, but I am not going to go. My aging years were melted away by the flash to the flesh, from the light and heat���from theatrical hell. My numb slumber has been rudely interrupted��by them; my captor, my conqueror, my prince in garish and tarnished, blood spattered, armor����amour! I have been taken and tortured and tormented. I have succumbed to the pleasures; infected with the madness and the music and the dark magic. They are Attila and Genghis, Alexander and Cesar, Perseus and Darius of the modern day siege of the senses. A Pharaoh, a Sheik, a Sultan, a Czar, an enthralling and exhilarating emperor, these Kings of KISS! They are The Stones and Prince and Pink Floyd, U2 and Motley Crue and more rock and roll, rolled into one rock show. Flashpots and Flashbacks! I am a mid-70�s teen, again. I am a modern day diva and Delilah; delectable, done under, undone, divine. I am rock god�ess! I have been KISS�ed and awakened by that growling and grotesque, bed shaker, awake her. I am a Born Again Kiss�er�..spreading the word to the world of The Kiss enlistment. At you your service, forever more; Any request, is my dutiful command. I am compelled to obey. Simmons and Stanley, I am your faithful and sycophant servant, Miss Kitten�. Kommand me to do as you wish, unto the eternity of KISS KULTURE. KISS�es in my screams and KISS�es in my dreams, from my teen times, to today, and through tomorrow. I have been KISS�ed!
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