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article Dutch singer as Gene

Posted on 05/04/2011
MOST FAMOUS DUTCH SINGER MARCO BORSATO CHANGES INTO GENE SIMMONS Below are quotes of an article that was placed into �Veronica Magazine�, a Dutch television magazine. It features an article with the subjec t �Heroes�, in which famous Dutch people can translate into one of their Heroes. The artwork is sold for the benefit of the KIKA (Children Cancerfree)-foundation. Below I translted some quotes of the Marco Borsato-interview, in which he explanies his choice for �Gene Simmons�. (Marco Borsato is a famous Dutch singer for over 20 years in Holland, where he scored none les than 16 nr. 1 hits, equal to the Beatles! His hit Dromen zijn bedrog was placed on the nr. 1-position for 12 consequetive weeks andhe owns the record of the artist with the most nr. 1 hits in a row, 11 to be exact) From the interview: �Gene Simmons doesn�t impersonate at all who I am: he is so extravagant! As a kid I was fascinated bij KISS and Gene Simmons in particular. It had nothing to do with being angry at my parernts or something like that, I just thought KISS made good music.� It took me an hour to get the make up on, then I had to put on the costume, which was provided by Dutch Tribute band �KISS Lickss�. As a menmber of the Dutch KISS ARmy I bought all the merchandise I could get as a kid. I thought they were so special and different from all the other bands. There was a kind of magic which fascinated me. How would they look in real life? Although I must confess I never went to a KISS-concert. It never happened for me, but I still want to do it sometime. Maybe In a a few years, it�s not possible anymore. As far as I know, they will be visiting Holland next year, so that�s a good time to visit them! As a kid I never realized the nickname of Gene was The Demon, all I did was singing �I was made for loving you�. I had no clue what I was singing, which I see happening with my lyrics. Kids doens�t have a clue what they sing! Gene wasn�t a heroe of mine because of the fact that he aledgely went to bed with thousands of women. I think that�s all bullshit, I don�t think it�s true.� Check the website: for �� the making of� . � this artwork!
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