submit your kiss letter

The Reason

Posted on 04/03/2011
Hi Gene, Paul, Tommy, and Eric. I am thirteen and live in Chicago. I have seen you guys twice and hope you come again this summer. I just wanted to let you guys know when I first heard Rock and Roll All Night I knew you guys where my favorite band ever. You guys are the reason I started playing guitar and bass and when my friends ask what aspired me to start play. I say the hottest band in the world KISS. I have always wanted to meet you and if you come to Chicago this summer I would be dumbfounded if I met you guys. When I first got my guitar I thought I was going to play songs of yours same with bass. I got mad just trying to learn but I just imagined playing your songs. Now I can play songs like Cold Gin, Love Gun, Rock and roll all night, and parts of others. I would be honored if you write back.
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