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I'm proud of the KISS Army's Indiana Expo Red Cross Collection!

Posted on 03/23/2011
Dear KISS, I attended my second KISS convention last Saturday in Indianapolis and had a great time. Everyone was incredibly nice and there was truly a family feeling. I've never seen so much love between the fans and Eric Singer whose autograph line circled the event all day long, and Eric refused to let a single fan go without getting to know them personally and sign an autograph. I arrived at 1PM and he was sigining until after I left at 8:30 PM! Eric is truly KISS royalty. I also really enjoyed meeting 9 year old drum sensation, Logan Gladden, and his incredibly cool dad. Logan rocked out with Mr Speed (the greatest KISS tribute band that ever lived) while all the young girls swooned. Logan told me he's going to stick with heavy metal/rock n roll for life, and I bet his autograph will be worth a lot in about 10 years! John Corabi proved to be a really cool guy, and he tested some of his new country oriented material on us (to great success) before playing "Beth" with Eric on vocals! That was the first performance of "Beth" that day, and it was followed later in the evening by Mr Speed's Catman singing directly to Lydia Criss! What an amazing thing to see! But the thing I'm most proud of is that the 1,000 KISS Army members that came out on Saturday raised $2200 for the Red Cross to help Japan. That's not a shabby total and I know that money given to the Red Cross will go directly to aid the hurting people of Japan. I gave $10 (and my life has been tough during the Recession so it comes from the heart and not a fat wallet) and in return I've got a really cool Paul Stanley St Patrick's Day green guitar pick that's currently sitting proudly on my display shelf. Lastly, I finally got to meet Bill Starky, the guy who started it all when he formed the KISS Army, an organization I severed proudly in from the ages of 12 to 16 and have never really left. What a great KISS Army it is: where the soldiers hearts are as big as their ranks. Long live it!
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