submit your kiss letter


Posted on 03/17/2011
Hey Guys~ I've been a KISS fan since I was a baby. Now I'm a Lady Gaga fan too. I went to see Lady Gaga in concert in KY. There's a point in the Gaga show where the audience throws dolls onstage to get beheaded by Lady Gaga. I sacrificed my Paul Stanley KISS doll to Lady Gaga, but she picked it up, and refused to behead Paul Stanley! She ripped the head off every doll, except my KISS doll! Here's a link to my Youtube video: LADY GAGA LOVES KISS!!! Keep rockin', I can't wait for July, Wisconsin!!! (((Matt Ferro))) PS~ I'm the one who threw the KISS doll on stage at the Chicago show as well, where she talked about KISS on stage afterwards! I am on a mission to start a trend of throwing KISS stuff on stage @ Lady Gaga concerts. My friend runs the Lady Gaga site "" this site is directly linked on Lady Gaga's official website main page. I would love to meet with KISS at the Wisconsin show in July, so we can cross market KISS and Lady Gaga. I will be the official LEADER of the KISSGAGA street team, to unite Gaga fans and KISS fans worldwide. My mission is to take every Gaga fan, and convert them to KISS fans, and vice-versa. I was fortunate enough to meet Lady Gaga after the Chicago show, and briefly talked to her about her and my love for KISS. She is a genuine KISS fan, and I respect her for that. I want every Gaga fan possible to discover the power of KISS. I hope to hear from you, my email address is: [email protected] Thank you! Matt
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