submit your kiss letter

Your My Heros!

Posted on 01/21/2011
Dear KISS, my name is Lucas Starr, I am 17 years of age, at birth I was diagnosed with a condition called vater syndrome, this condition caused me be born with no kidneys at all, and at the age of 2 ½ I had a kidney transplant. Now most transplanted kidneys are normally suppose to last 6 to 7 years, mine has lasted 15 years! But unfortunally 4 years ago my doctors told me that I had chronic rejection in my kidney and I would eventually need another kidney transplant, and on March 4 I will be going for a consultation on when the potential transplant will be, and to find a donor, the reason for this letter to you (my favorite band in the world) is to tell you that your music has got me through so much in my life, whether it be having a medical operation, or having to sit in the hospital to have blood drawn or being admitted for some illness I have had. You guys are truly my inspiration for going through all of this, You have inspirer me to do so much in my life, for example Eric Singer has inspired me to play the drums, and so far I only know how to play your guys song on the drums, and Tommy has inspired me to pick up the guitar and start learning that! Paul and Gene have inspired me to take chances no matter what the risk may be! While it hasn�t happed yet I am truly hoping to me you guys one day! That is my true wish is to meet all of you and attend one of your concerts! Hopefully one day before my transplant happens. To conclude this letter I would just like to say that you are all my true heroes and inspirations (next to my mom of course!) I hope you read this letter and make my dream come true! Thank You and keep on rocking Lucas Starr
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