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Posted on 10/09/2010
Scottie Stearns 10/2010 8th Grade Parents: Douglas (USMC Veteran) & Carmela Stearns Veterans Day Essay Program: �What Veterans Day Means to Me� Veterans Day: The holiday for the heroes of our country! Many of them pay the ultimate sacrifice; Our Veterans, many fought and died for us. As our nation develops, I remember that our veterans, our �Modern Day Heroes of America� are out their fighting for our freedom, so we can remain free and rise. Veterans Day isn�t just a day it is a yearlong celebration that should be filled with thanks that we owe to the veterans of America. Veterans Day means freedom to me; it means that we should demonstrate the greatest respect and honor to our veterans that they deserve. This should not only be done on Veterans Day but every day. I believe and know that Veterans Day is a small way for us to show just a little bit of respect that we owe to our HEROES, our soldiers and especially to the men and women that make the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Veterans Day is a way for us to show our thanks to those who served in order for us and others to have our freedom. Remember our veterans in your heart. An example of remembrance is an experience I am fortunate enough to have had. During the KISS concerts from July thru September this year, front men Paul Stanley & Gene Simmons, along with Eric Singer & Tommy Thayer would take time out of the show to do an admirable tribute to America�s Heroes! Paul called out uniformed men and women on to the stage; as Paul proudly waved the American flag he explained that �The Heroes of the 21st Century, come back home after fighting for our freedom with broken bodies and broken spirits.� Paul stated �They�re not getting the care that they deserve.� Hearing this makes me feel sad. But when I hear that KISS is donating a dollar from every ticket sold throughout the tour to the �Wounded Warriors Project Fund� and watching Gene sign the check, brings a smile to my face. Paul continues by saying �We must make sure that they get the care, respect, & dignity that they deserve!� Knowing that the men and women that voluntarily serve our country and come home in need are going to get the help they deserve makes me proud. After the check is signed, Paul says �Let�s send a message to all of them; they might not hear the message tonight but they�ll hear about the message! Stand up at Attention; Put your right hands over your hearts and say the Pledge of Allegiance!� Being a Proud KISS Fan, and an even Prouder American, as I said the pledge with my band and the crowd, I am filled with admiration for both the members of KISS and for every military service person. The Crowd Roared �U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A.!!!� and I could feel my heart pound to the beat of the drums! Knowing that our men and women are being recognized for the duties and the freedom they bring to our country makes me even prouder to be an American citizen. A Citizen of the greatest country on earth! As Paul Stanley states �There is no country in the whole world like the United States of America!�
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