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Wounded Warrier check

Posted on 09/20/2010
Last night in San Antonio when you presented the check, I was crying so much. I was in the Navy and I was in a war time situation and really do not talk about anything to anyone, because I do not like to remember. What you guys did last night was the most amazing thing i have ever seen in my life. You are a TRUE AMERICAN ROCK BAND who cares about our country and our counties veterans. God Bless you guys for that. I wish all celebrities would take a note from the," BOOK OF KISS" and focus on this country the way you all do. From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of my father who was a war time vet, my brother who was a war time vet, and my grandfather who I never met because he was MIA in WWII, we want to thank you for the wonderful gift you are giving to our country. I would fight all over again if I could, if it meant defending such amazing guys like you. You have my heart for now and forever, for being amazing and true to your country. The country I was so proud to defend," The United States of America" I am honored to say I was alive in a war time situation when KISS was a rock band. Again Thank you so very much and God Bless from me and my family who have served since the beginning. Love your newest fan, Blue'
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