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looking for a KISS lookalike band to fill as paul

Posted on 09/03/2010
hey hey kiss world that is filled with kiss krazies hows it going out there?this is my 2nd letter about a kiss looka like band to fill to play as paul stanley,i can sing like him have the moves like him and i can play kissmusic, now i am 46 yrs old,but young still im not old till im dead,its been a dream of mine seeings how i,ll never get to play in the real kiss band but this will do i wanna play with a band that will wanna take it alot further than just the same ole thing every day,to push it into maybe some what the same ways kiss did,to go the xxxx mile for the fans,fans playin for kiss fans to give em the greatist show of the world,i live in raonoke va,but i dont know if there is any kiss fans here,but if the chances take me else where then i may take up on it,im also asking kiss if -if they come across this letter to help to push it for us to help to put us into the lime light to help open doors with the right pepole,so if any one out there that can sing like gene,and does a real good ace ,and a peter criss or eric carr who by the way may he live forever in owr hearts god bless him,we miss him,if you got that it takes to go the xxxx mile to play as the one band that made the world what it is today then what ya waiting for? lets get the fire burnin and set the world on fire what ya got to lose??heres my emails [email protected][email protected] so if any one out there wanna show the worldwhat ya made of nows the time i wanna thank the kiss online for postin my letters thank ya thank ya,i wanna thank kiss for makin owr world a kiss world thank yaand most of all thank you kiss army with out you ,dreams will never come true, as one kiss fan to the millions out there,if any one who wants to get this new kiss looka like band goin well lets go maybe we,ll call it kissalized hummmmmm sounds good to me what about you all???? and just for the heck of it if its ok to do this heres a no# you can call about the looka like band 540 915 8071-252 538 1795-540 526-8648 i wanna thank you all for your time and thanks kiss online for doing this for me peace love and kiss we love ya peace wess clemmer
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