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3 Strategies For Getting Eric Singer Pics (Part 2 "Jackpot")

Posted on 08/23/2010
I'm a long time KISS fan who had a little money and a little time this summer to try my experiment. I am a novice photographer who bought a new basic $80.00 digital camera (at the same place you can buy SONIC BOOM). I bought my tickets through various brokers, agents and online sellers. I wanted to know what a novice photographer with a cheap camera could do. My only advantage was having been a KISS fan for so long I would know when and where to point the camera. My camera would only take a picture every 5 or 6 seconds, it seemed. Probably more like 3 or 4 seconds in reality. With this I lead you to "Jackpot". If you point your camera at Eric and his drum kit during his solo after "Shock Me" and just keep pushing the shutter button you will get live action shots. Most of them will be blurry. Since the stage lighting in rapidly changing, most of them will be spoiled with lighting. If you are lucky you will get one like this. After looking through the results of this experiment my literal reaction to seeing this picture was, "Jackpot".
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