submit your kiss letter

Just a lttle somrthin

Posted on 07/14/2010
Hey guys, i wrote to you last year about one of your concerts i attended in nashville, and i swear it rocked my world, i will be bored at every other concert. i wish i could go to one of your new hottest show on earth's tours, but i just don't think it will happen this year with the economy and all. anyways i am about to turn 16 and i have been i die hard KISS fan for a while now. my room is decorated with records and posters and all. but one thing i really wanted to tell you about is i went to the KISS coffeehouse in myrtle beach this year, and i swear that just made my fandom grow! anything i see KISS these days i have to have. And also, even though i don't know you guys personally, i like to think that yall have helped me to be my own person in a way, and i thank you for that. Eric, you rock those drums! Tommy, you wail on that guitar! Gene, you are an inspiration to me in so many ways, and even though you don't know that, i thank you deepy. And Paul, i honestly can say i wouldn't be where i am today without you. my goal in life is to meet the band, but if not them, at least you, you have inspired me to learn how to play guitar, possibly start a band, and made me consider so many other options in my life. And to all of you, you're music and persona's have created a flame in me that will never stop burning. You have made me not afraid to be myself, and to put everything into life, then take all you can out of it, and i live by that each day. i wish i could write more. i have so much more to say, but can't find the right words to say it. I will leave you with this though, i do not have a fatal disease, i wont die in a year, and i don't have too difficult of a life, I am only a teenage girl trying to make her goal in life of meeting the hottest band in the world, KISS!
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