submit your kiss letter

My nephews follow along in being a KISS Fan!

Posted on 06/29/2010
Dear kiss, My dad is one of your biggest fans, has been for as long as I can remember...My brother, sister and my first concert was yours. I can remember my mom telling us about my dad going to one of your concerts and that night kiss told the fans to come on down closer to the stage, Let me tell you he made it like 6 rows from the stage after being way at the top where you were...He ended up breaking his leg coming down to the stage, but still stayed and endured the pain because he admires you and your music... Well over the years each of the family members try and get him what we can of kiss collectibles, but last year you ended up in ohio and my parents ended up getting the money to get all of us kids and our spouses tickets to come see you again, we loved it. Well, my nephews ended up wondering why my dad and brother had make up on and so we told them, they were dressed like kiss...they said "who's kiss?" so we tolld them and let them hear a few of your songs and ever since then they love listening to you every chance they get. Well, they heard my brother and dad got tickets to the concert coming to the blossom this year and they said they wanted to go...No one has the money for all of us to go so my sister is taking her boys and my mom got my dad and brother tickets for their birthday, their so excited, my nephews told their mom they want to dress up like kiss.... but that's not the greatest part...My 5 year old nephew is turning 6 this year in september (the concert is one of his presents) he's one of the ones coming to your concert at the blossom music center..he told my sister he wanted to have a kiss birthday party and he wanted to invite kiss, that you are his friends! I know this is probably not new to you but I thought you might get a kick out of younger people turning to your musical talent and gaining more fans! My family has been some of your greatest fans ever since you started out and your music keeps traveling through generations. Thanks for being so inspiring to my dad, my siblings and me, and now my nieces and nephews!
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