submit your kiss letter

Swedish KISS fans photo session in school

Posted on 06/14/2010
Hey! Joel here from Sweden, first of I would like to say: You guys ROCK! Second, me and my pal saw your awesome performance in Stockholm this saturday and it was exactly what I had imagined it to be! It was one of the best moments of my life! On to the subject, some time ago we had a photo session in school, we got an assignment by our photo teacher to come up with an theme and it did not take long before me and a couple of friends decided; Why not do a photo session with us dressing up like the members of Kiss? Said and done we presented the idea to our teacher and he thought it sounded great! But he wanted us to expand the idea by asking around in school to see if more students were intrested in putting on make-up and of course getting their pictures taken in the studio.So we made and hung up big posters in school where we presented the date and various information. The day came and we recived a couple of make up artists from another school who would put on the make up while we were setting up the cameras and lights. That day was a blast! We ended up taking alot of photos which we later presented to our teacher. I am ending this letter with this to say: Keep on rockin and I hope to see you guys again in Sweden some time soon! You ROCK!
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