submit your kiss letter

A Renewed Friendship and KISS

Posted on 06/06/2010
Dear KISS: First, I want to thank you for your music. Since the day in 6th grade when a fellow classmate (a fool in my opinion) asked if anyone wanted his Destroyer album and my hand went up like lightning, I have been a fan. That was in 1978, and I still have the album. But what I most want to write about is my best friend, Tony Vadala. We met in high school and instrantly hit it off. We liked movies, girls, and music (and most especially KISS). We were inseparable, and after graduating in 1985, continued our friendship in our college days. Unfortunately, and solely because of my own immaturity and out-of-control behavior, Tony and I had a huge fight in 1992, and stopped speaking to each other. A few short weeks before the fight, we attended the KISS show in Weedsport, NY. It was our last concert together. Over the years, I have thought a lot about Tony, and wished we could somehow renew our friendship. This past winter, Tony and I reconnected for the first time in 20-plus years. We talked about the importance of our friendship, I asked forgiveness, and we both agreed that we had missed each other very much. Sadly, it was then that I also learned that Tony had Guillain-Barr� Syndrome, a disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. Most people recover from the syndrome, but there are some who do not, and live the rest of their lives with the complications of the disease (Tony is in the hospital as I write this with acute pancreatitis, which he has had many times before). Since reconnecting, Tony and I have taken up where we left off. Our friendship is as strong (if not stronger) than it ever was. And we still love movies, girls (our wives), and music (and most of all KISS). This summer we are going to see KISS at Darien Lake, NY on August 13. It is our first concert since being reunited, and we are thrilled, because it is the perfect show to honor the renewed friendship. Twenty-plus years of growth and experience have taught me the value of friendship, and the need for close, close friends and family. In fact, I wouldn't have been able to make it through my own son's battle with leukemia had I not had solid friends and a loving family. I must admit, I have never written to a band before. Certainly not to the "hottest band in the world." Anyway, I am wondering if there is any chance a song can be dedicated to Tony at the Darien Lake show? As I said, he is my best friend (next to my wife of course), and I am thrilled that we have been able to reconnect, and to see KISS again. Thank you for considering my request. And again, thank you for your music. It has picked me up on bad days, celebrated with me on good days, and always reminded me to believe in myself (and my friends). Sincerely, Gary Smith
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