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winning Karaoke contest singing Rock & Roll All Night

Posted on 06/03/2010
A Radio Station sponsored karaoke contest. There were 14 entries and I was last. I practiced every day so that I wouldn't mess up. So on the night of the contest I could sing the song without using the teleprompter. This Contest was in a Beer Tent at the state fair. there were more than 300 people there. I was able to move all accross the stage just like you guys do. There were people dancing and singing along with and I was reaching out and slapping hands with the crowd. I was the last singer, and it had gotten dark. So they used the can lights as well. I was so nervous. There was other good singers, but that wasn't all we were being graded on. We had to dress up like the artist of the song we were singing. I dressed up like Paul. My sister did the makeup for me, and she did a real good job. Their was 3 top prizes, and they announced the in reverse. when they announced 2nd place I thought "Well I didn't win". But I did. I won $100. The place was packed and other people were coming in wanting an encore. But The DJ wouldn't let me. In fact he was pissed at me because I sang a rock & roll song, and it was a country station that was sponsoring the contest. It was the most thrilling night of my life. The only thing that could top that is to be able to be on stage singing that song with you guys. I'm From Illinois and plan to be in Charlotte Aug 27 to catch the show and plan to pick up my sister on the way there to enjoy it with me. This will be my first time to see you guys so it will be a good memory for me for sure as I am a big fan. Well guys Keep on Rockin' Around The World!!!!!
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