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Posted on 05/27/2010
The film and the pictures you're about to see are the result of a magical meeting taking his birth in the KISS passion ... 2 fans... 2 friends ... A gift ... TITI FROM TOULOUSE, SOUTH OF FRANCE, 20 KISS CONCERT SINCE 1983 IN 7 COUNTRIES AND MEMBER OF T KISS ARMY FRANCE. JEROME FROM PARIS, NORTH OF FRANCE, 127 KISS CONCERT SINCE 1983 ON 3 CONTINENTS, French record ! They both train children's soccer team of 11/12 years old. Theirs sons Jimmy and Jean-Christophe play in these teams and are KISS fans too. Jerome and Titi: had their first contact 1 year ago and their first meeting took place 4 days earlier at the fantastic KISS show in Geneva. THEY WILL MEET AGAIN AT THE HELL FESTIVAL ON THE 20TH OF JUNE AND IN BARCELONA SPAIN FOR THE KISS CONCERT. Friday, May 21st, 2010... Jerome and his team arrive by train... About 800 km to compete for a tournament organized by the club of Titi: Portet... Then 1 hour after their arrival, the Parisians are going to have a major KISS surprise organized by Titi, his players and their moms... ENJOY AND WELCOME TO THE SHOW PART 1 : PART 2 : ALL PICTURES ARE HERE ( 3 pages ) : Click on these to vieuw the full size ... I'm waiting for your point of view ... For the love of KISS TITI
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