submit your kiss letter

From Daughter to Father

Posted on 05/25/2010
Dear KISS, I have been thinking about writing this letter for a long time and it is about time I did. My dad is a huge fan of KISS and has been since the start. He used to dress up like Paul and attended at least one of your concerts in the past. As such, like many kids, I grew up with KISS. No, my first words were not �KISS Rocks� or anything that epic (although I was known for sticking out my tongue a lot in younger years), but I was still a homegrown fan. Even when I began to search for music on my own I always came back to KISS. While I was in high school I did a bit of acting and was able to truly appreciate more than your music, but also your showmanship. It seemed my understanding and love of KISS only grew as I did. Awhile ago I heard KISS was going on tour again, but more than that you would be playing in Portland. Without telling my dad I began to save. I worked part time in a little music store, so every penny was stashed away. This was something I wanted to do on my own. Even though, my parents are divorced and my dad did not have full custody, we are still close. When I finally told him my plans I think he was stunned. I could not afford floor seats, but I don�t think that mattered to him. It was just important to me that he got to go, but it ended up as more than that. Not only was he excited to go, but he was thrilled; a father daughter concert. As a part of his gift I was convinced to paint up like one of the band members. Dad took Paul and then proceeded to paint me up as guess who! You bet, Gene Simmons. It�s all part of the experience, or so I am told. At the show we had a blast and were really able to enjoy every aspect, especially our time together. In short, I would like to thank you all for such a wonderful show and such a fantastic time. It means a lot to me, I was able to take my dad to see our favorite band. So, once more, thank you for coming out and thanks for the memories (of the concert and of my childhood.)
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