submit your kiss letter

Then and Now Review

Posted on 03/05/2010
Dear Gene,Paul,Eric and Tommy, I really hope you are reading the emails because they are really from the heart of those who care about you. I read the then and now review, and this is my version. Then,1976,I knew there was a special connection with you, KISS.I was about a 15 year old country girl taking care of the neighbor's sheep for money and not able to drive to big Seattle for any concert. But the dream of being in your presence never stopped. Fast forward to last winter when Im at age 46,and Kiss(along with the Rocky movies for some reason)helped me pace through the 3 surgeries and stays at Seattle Children's Hospital for my now 17yr old Daughter. Nov 15,2009 I finally made it to see you in Seattle and Im so grateful that you are stronger than ever. And Tommy and Eric..You are amazing and I love learning about you and YOU ARE KISS! Each of you, HAVE A GREAT DAY! and Im still going to meet you before Im 50!Love forever! Karen,Centralia WA
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