submit your kiss letter

You guys are PURE AWESOME

Posted on 01/08/2010
Hey! I�m fifteen years old, and I am PROUD to call myself apart of the KISS ARMY!! WOOHOO!!! Anyway, I just wanted to thank all of you for a great show in Council Bluffs, it was the best night of my life, I still shake from the feeling when I think about it. Your music has brought my mom and I closer together, now were more like best friends than like enemies. Your music helped pull us out of a pretty rough time in our lives concerning my Brother. My brother has Bi-polar disorder and ADHD. He has very bad anger issues, it got to the point where you couldn�t say two words to him without him hurting one of us or punching a hole in the wall or breaking a door. But I can say safely that he is getting the help he needs now, and our lives are better than ever. When we go visit him, or take him home for visits, we always pop in a KISS CD and start singing together, even if it does sound terrible. Anyway, thanks again, can�t wait to catch you guys in concert again. Here a picture from the concert we went to, my Mom is on the left, making a Paul lip face, and I�m on the right, LOOK AT MY GIFTED TONGUE (not that impressive, I know.) Thanks again guys, ROCK ON!!!!
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